(to be posted in the area that constitutes the subject land in a location clearly visible from the highway or other place to which the public has access)
FILE NO.: OPA-06, ZA-2023-04 & SCOPA 15 Cooney Construction and Landscape Ltd.
TAKE NOTICE THAT, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, this notice is to advise that sufficient information has been presented to deem the application being processed under Files OPA-06, ZA-2023-04 & SCOPA 15 as complete.
AND THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Lanark Highlands will hold a IN PERSON MEETING as per procedural By-law on Tuesday, April 22nd 2025 at 6:00pm. for the purpose of considering a proposed zoning by-law amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act. If you would like to listen to the meeting, please dial 1-855-344-7722 or 613-244-1312 then enter Conference ID: 2883824. You can participate in person at the Municipal Complex, 75 George Street Lanark ON, to participate in the public meeting. In order to assist the Committee in its review of the proposal, you are requested to provide comments on or before April 14th, 2025 at 4:00pm.
PROPOSED LANARK HIGHLANDS OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND LANARK COUNTY SUSTAINABLE OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE PROPOSAL OF A MINERAL AGREGGATE PIT (OPA-06/SCOPA 15): The proposal is to re-designate part of the lands to permit an Aggregate Extraction Operation (licensed pit) on a 50.6 ha parcel with the proposed amendment affecting 23.02ha of the lands described as Concession 4, Part Lots 22 and 23 and RP 26R1662 Parts 11 and 13, geographic township of Darling, now in the Township of Lanark Highlands, municipally known as 9665 Highway 511. The proposed Official Plan Amendment would authorize an Extraction Operation (Pit). The 50.6ha parcel of land identified on the key map is presently designated as Rural Communities on Schedule “A” of the Township’s Official Plan and is proposed to be re-designated as Aggregate Extraction Operation. In addition, an application has also been filed for an amendment to the Lanark County Sustainable Communities Official Plan to re-designate existing Rural area lands to Mineral Aggregate Operations as shown in Schedule A of the Official Plan. Lastly, the applicant has applied for a Class A License under the Aggregate Resource Act to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT (ZA-2023-04): The proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment will amend the zoning from Rural (RU) to Mineral Aggregate Resources Pit (MXP-x). The nature of the rezoning requested is to permit the opening of a mineral aggregate pit. A key map showing the location of the subject lands is shown on the reverse side and a copy of the application is attached.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION is available for public inspection by appointment at the Township of Lanark Highland’s Municipal Office during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, from 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m.
A copy of the written notice of application may be obtained by contacting the undersigned.
DATED at the Township of Lanark Highlands this 18th day of March 2025.
Nicole Guthrie T: 613-259-2398 or 1-800-239-4695 ext. 231