Waste & Recycling Information

Waste & Recycling Information

Township of Lanark Highlands




Transfer StationAddressAcceptable ItemsOperating Hours
Flower Station 770 Hills of Peace Road

Bagged Household Waste

  • Blue Box materials
  • Brush
  • Leaves
  • Tires
  • E-Waste
  • Scrap Metal
Lanark Village 115 Forbes Road

Bagged Household Waste

  • Blue Box materials
  • Brush
  • Leaves
  • Tires
  • E-Waste
  • Scrap Metal
Middleville 4686 Wolf Grove Road

Bagged Household Waste

  • Blue Box materials
  • Brush
  • Leaves
  • Mattresses ($45/piece)
  • Tires
  • E-Waste
  • Scrap Metal

Hazardous Waste
Construction & Demolition waste
Large household items

Robertson Lake 3962 South Lavant Road

Bagged Household Waste

  • Blue Box materials
  • Brush
  • Leaves
  • Tires
  • E-Waste
  • Scrap Metal
Snye Road 171 Snye Road

Bagged Household Waste

  • Blue Box materials
  • Brush
  • Leaves
  • Tires
  • E-Waste
  • Scrap Metal
Watson's Corner 2256 3rd Concession Dalhousie

Bagged Household Waste

  • Blue Box materials
  • Brush
  • Leaves
  • Tires
  • E-Waste
  • Scrap Metal
LandfillAddressAcceptable ItemsOperating Hours
McDonald's Corners 800 10th Concession Dalhousie

Bagged Household Waste

  • Blue Box materials
  • Brush
  • Leaves
  • Mattresses ($45/piece)
  • Tires
  • E-Waste
  • Scrap Metal

Construction & Demolition waste
Large household items


Lanark Highlands operates a network of transfer stations and landfills for its residents. Landfills are the final resting place for non-recyclable garbage; they require a frequent cover of soil to prevent garbage from attracting wildlife or blowing around as litter. Since cover material fills valuable space, the Township operates one landfill at a time in order to preserve capacity. The McDonalds Corners Waste Site is currently the Township’s active landfill site.


Loads of construction & demolition waste MUST be sorted prior to delivery to the landfill. Scrap metal must be separated for deposit into designated areas at the waste site. Load separation increases the Municipality's ability to divert materials from the landfill and recycling increases revenues to pay for waste management. Load separation extends the life of our landfills and reduces your tipping fees.


If you have any questions about waste disposal, please contact the Lanark Highlands Township Office at 613-259-2398 ext. 242.

Drywall $155/tonne
Asphalt Shingles
Construcion Waste
Un-bagged Waste
Mattresses $45.00/piece
Refrigeration Units
(All units must be tagged to certify that refrigerants have be removed)
Tagged Units - NO CHARGE

Non-tagged Units – the charge shall be established by current contract price for removal of refrigerants.

As of Jan 1 2021, $15.00

Brush and Readily Compostable Material (vegetation)
Electronic Waste
Minimum Fee (anything less than 0.03 tonnes or 4 cu. ft. $5.00
Illegal Dumping Fine $1,000

What IS Acceptable in your Blue Box?

  • Open and empty/clean paint cans (no plastic with metal tops and/or bottoms or handles)
  • Tin cans, aluminum cans, pie plates, trays and foil wrap (no foil with paper or plastic laminate)
  • Clear and coloured glass food and beverage bottles and jars scraped and rinsed clean
  • Plastic food and beverage containers
  • Milk and juice cartons, ice cream containers rinsed and clean
  • Newspaper, magazines, catalogues, flyers and junk mail
  • Boxboard: cereal boxes, cracker boxes, tissue boxes, “paper” egg cartons, toilet paper/paper towel rolls
  • Office paper
  • Cardboard – flattened and bundled
  • Hard & soft cover books

What is NOT Acceptable in your Blue Box?

  • Car tires and car parts
  • Dirty flower pots
  • Pots and pans
  • Zippered plastic bags, solar blankets and fiberglass feed bags
  • Styrofoam, sponge foam and foam sheeting
  • Bubble wrap
  • Small or large appliances, electronics
  • Hard-cover books
  • Plastic or metal strapping, window pane glass & construction material
  • Picture frames
  • Hangers
  • Oil containers
  • Compost
  • Glass or ceramic dishes, Tupperware and Rubbermaid
  • Plastic toys
  • Diapers
  • #4 Film Plastic: grocery and shopping bags, outer wrap from cases of water and toilet paper/paper towel packages

Lanark Highlands will be working with Miller Waste for the curbside collection of residential recyclables effective January 1st, 2025. Our current waste site collection contractor, Emterra Environmental will be responsible for all Lanark Village curbside waste collection as well as the collection of all business and institutional recyclables.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call or e-mail the Public Works Department at the contacts below.  

Public Works Manager

613-259-2398 ext. 239

Lindsay Hutchings

Public Works Administrative Assistant – Waste

613-259-2398 ext. 242

For residential recycling concerns please contact:

Miller Waste


Residents of Lanark Village who currently receive curbside pickup will continue to do so without the need of a bag tag.

Curbside Pickup Day: Fridays with garbage and blue boxes at the curb by 7:00 a.m. 

Curbside WASTE Pick-up limits:

  • Residential – 2 bags per week 
  • Multi-residential & apartment units - 2 bags per residential unit per week
  • Commercial & Industrial Establishments - 5 bags per week

Additional bags in excess of these limits and uncollectible waste can be taken to any waste site during normal operating hours for disposal without incurring any additional charge or needing a bag tag.   
A bag or container used for waste disposal shall not exceed 45 pounds when full. 

Uncollectible Waste

The following items are considered ‘uncollectible waste’ and will not be collected curbside:

  • articles more than 1.5 metres long,
  • construction or manufacturing waste,
  • demolition debris,
  • yard waste,
  • iron or steel,
  • tires,
  • electronics,
  • appliances,
  • household hazardous waste (including paint),
  • or the carcass of any animal.

Any uncollectable waste will be left at the curb with a courtesy tag explaining why it was not picked up. 


Acceptable Blue Box Items

  • Open and empty/clean paint cans (no plastic with metal tops and/or bottoms or handles)
  • Tin cans, aluminum cans, pie plates, trays and foil wrap (no foil with paper or plastic laminate)
  • Clear and coloured glass food and beverage bottles and jars scraped and rinsed clean
  • Plastic food and beverage containers
  • Milk and juice cartons, ice cream containers rinsed and clean
  • #4 Film Plastic: grocery and shopping bags, outer wrap from cases of water and toilet paper/paper towel packages (put all of these in one bag – “a bag of bags”)
  • Newspaper, magazines, catalogues, flyers and junk mail
  • Boxboard: cereal boxes, cracker boxes, tissue boxes, “paper” egg cartons, toilet paper/paper towel rolls
  • Office paper
  • Cardboard – flattened and bundled

Uncollectable Recycling

The following materials are uncollectable in the Lanark Village Curbside program:

  • broken window glass & ceramic dishes,
  • motor oil or transmission oil containers,
  • full or partially full paint cans,
  • newspapers wrapped in plastic,
  • chip and candy wrappers,
  • diapers,
  • cat litter and animal feces. 
The contractor is not required to collect any materials in a blue box which are overly contaminated with food residue or where there is a health risk to the collector (e.g. broken glass, hazardous materials, and bee or wasp problems). The non-collectable material will be left in the blue box with a courtesy tag explaining why it was not picked up. 

Jump on the Township of Lanark Highland’s
Mattress Recycling Program!

Where can you recycle your mattress?
  • McDonald’s Corners Waste Site
  • Middleville Waste Site
When During normal operating hours
How Containers at the sites for protection against weather
Acceptable Materials
  • Mattresses
  • Box springs
  • Crib mattresses
  • Foam mattresses
  • Futons

It is estimated that the Township sends over 400 mattresses per year for disposal


The fee for recycling a mattress/boxspring is $45 per piece and will be collected at the time of delivery.

Additional Information

For details on the process of mattress recycling, visit the Recyc-Mattress website.

For additional information or alternative options for mattress recycling, contact:

Lanark Highlands Public Works Assistant

613-259-2398 ext 242

Lanark Highlands collects used tires at all waste sites so they can be diverted from landfill and recycled. Tires of all sizes, on or off rims are accepted. No tipping fees apply. 

From 2009 – 2013 residents of Lanark Highlands recycled over 18,000 tires through municipal waste sites. By becoming a registered collector of used tires for Ontario Tire Stewardship, the township turned an expense into a source of income. Instead of paying to have tires hauled away, the Township is paid for every tire collected for the provincial tire recycling program. You can do your part to generate waste management revenues by bringing your used tires to a waste site near you. 

The Used Tire Program benefits Ontario by promoting safer methods of reusing and recycling scrap tires, by creating jobs and economic growth, and by protecting the health and safety of people and the environment.

Lanark Highlands is doing its part to help Ontario meet its scrap tire goals. 

For more information about the provincial tire recycling program, go to www.rethinktires.ca

Lanark Highlands Public Works Assistant

613-259-2398 ext 242

The Household Hazardous Waste Depot will open for the season on Saturday, May 18th, 2024 at the Middleville Household Hazardous Waste Depot. Hazardous waste collection will be operating on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays and will run from the Victoria Day weekend until October 13, 2024. 
Please total all of the items you are bringing and a rough estimate of the volume of material. You can download a tracking sheet here:Tracking Form - 2023.pdf  or e-mail  to request a tracking form. 
The Middleville Household Hazardous Waste Depot located at 4686 Wolf Grove Road will be available for Lanark Highlands and Tay Valley Township residents only. Proof of identification may be requested by Technicians. 

It is also recommended that cans and bottles be the original with labels and that they are placed in a cardboard box to make for easier disposal. 

The following items are not accepted:

  • Containers over 25 litres (not considered Household)
  • Freon tanks
  • Light Ballasts
  • Flares / Fireworks
  • Explosives

Thank you and we look forward to another great season! 

E-Waste is made up of electrical and electronic products that are no longer wanted by their owners. 90% of Ontarians have unwanted electronic devices to dispose of. 

Lanark Highlands collects E-Waste at all waste sites so it can be sorted and processed at approved facilities in Ontario and Quebec. In 2010 residents of Lanark Highlands recycled 13.4 tonnes of E-Waste through municipal waste sites; in 2013 E-Waste recycling increased by over 180% to 37.8 tonnes! 

When you recycle E-Waste you support the development of Green Industry in Canada while reclaiming valuable resources and preserving local landfill space. 

The following E-Waste is accepted at all waste sites. No tipping fees apply.

  • Desktop computers
  • Portable computers
  • Computer peripherals including modems
  • Monitors
  • Televisions
  • Printing devices including copiers, scanners, typewriters
  • Telephones (physical and accessories)
  • Cellular phones
  • PDA’s and pagers
  • Audio and video players
  • Cameras
  • Equalizers, (pre)amplifiers
  • Radios
  • Receivers
  • Speakers
  • Tuners
  • Turntables
  • Video players/projectors
  • Video recorders
  • Personal hand held computers

For more information and a detailed list of accepted materials go towww.recyclemyelectronics.ca.


Hours of operation for the Reuse Centre remain the same as the landfill; Summer Hours (May 15 - Sept 14) Thursday 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm and Sunday 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Winter Hours (Sept 15 - May 14) Thursday 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm and Sunday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm. 

ReUseInterior2The Reuse Centre is a community-based volunteer organization that partners with the Township to divert reusable goods from the landfill and redistribute them free-of-charge to people who can use them.

Books, clothing, house wares, craft materials, furniture, electronics, small appliances, sports & garden equipment, reusable windows and doors are all accepted at the Reuse Centre from Lanark Highlands' residents. (Due to limited storage capacity and volunteer labour, donations from outside of the Township are discouraged.)

The Reuse Centre is located at the McDonald's Corners Waste Site: 800 Con. 10, Dalhousie at County Road 12, and is open during regular waste site hours.

'The ReUsers', a volunteer group dedicated to maximum diversion from the landfill, staff the Reuse Centre. In October 2009 the ReUsers, with support from the municipality, local businesses and volunteer carpenters opened a new facility to accept, sort, and distribute reusable goods. Diversion from the landfill increased with the new and improved facility from an estimated 16 tonnes of material in 2009 to 37 tonnes in 2010 – a 130% increase in diversion! As of 2023, it is estimated that over 100 tonnes of materials are diverted annually. 

To CONTACT the ReUsers (to offer your volunteer labour or to get information to assist in establishing a Reuse Centre in another community) phone Lynne Parks at 613-278-2739, Chris Anstead at (613) 278-1428, or email

Lanark Highlands Logo

75 George Street,
PO BOX 340
Lanark, Ontario
K0G 1K0


Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.