Township of Lanark Highlands - Official Plan Review
0940-OP-22002 LH OPA 8 Notice of Decision ISSUED
0940-OP-22002 LH OPA 8-Decision-ISSUED
Final Approved with OPA 3 June 19, 2024
Schedule A Land Use Transportation 1_2
Schedule A2 Lanark Village Land Use Transportation
Schedule B Development Constraints
Schedule B2 Development Constraints
Schedule C Natural Heritage Features
What is an Official Plan By-Law?
An official plan describes your upper, lower or single–tier municipal council's policies on how land in your community should be used. It is prepared with input from you and others in your community and helps to ensure that future planning and development will meet the specific needs of your community.
Information regarding the proposed official plan amendments will be available for public inspection at the Township of Lanark Highlands Municipal Office BY APPOINTMENT ONLY during regular business hours, Monday to Friday, from 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. For Questions or Comments on the application, please email Forbes Symon at . For alternate forms of documents, please contact Sarah Hobbs at .
ZA-2023-02 Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited (Highland Line Pit) - Application
Planning Addendum Report Highland Line Pit January 2025
OPA-08 & ZA-2023-02 Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited (Highland Line Pit) - Cover Letter
OPA-08 & ZA-2023-02 Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited (Highland Line Pit) -Traffic_Impact_Study
OPA-08 & ZA-2023-02 Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited (Highland Line Pit) -ARA_Site_Plan
OPA-08 & ZA-2023-02 Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited (Highland Line Pit) -Acoustic_Assessment
OPA-08 & ZA-2023-02 Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited (Highland Line Pit) - MVCA Comments
OPA-08 & ZA-2023-02 Thomas Cavanagh Construction Limited (Highland Line Pit) - Public Meeting Report
Due to the size of the Archaeological Assessments, they cannot be uploaded to the website. Please email for a copy.
OP-06 & ZA-2023-06 Cooney Construction and Landscape Ltd. (HWY 511) - OPA Application
OP-06 & ZA-2023-06 Cooney Construction and Landscape Ltd. (HWY 511) - Cover_Letter.
OP-06 & ZA-2023-06 Cooney Construction and Landscape Ltd. (HWY 511) - Level_1_Hydrogeological_Report
OP-06 & ZA-2023-06 Cooney Construction and Landscape Ltd. (HWY 511) - NOISE_IMPACT_OPINION
OP-06 & ZA-2023-06 Cooney Construction and Landscape Ltd. (HWY 511) - Traffic_Study
Why do you need an official plan?
The Official Plan:
- lets the public know what the municipality's general land use planning policies are
- makes sure that growth is coordinated and focused on expansion and intensification within strategic growth areas
- helps all members of the community understand how their land may be used now and in the future
- helps decide where roads, watermains, sewers, garbage dumps, parks and other services will be built
- provides a framework for establishing municipal zoning by-laws to set local regulations and standards, like the size of lots and height of buildings
- provides a way to evaluate and settle conflicting land uses while meeting local, regional and provincial interests
- shows council's commitment to the future growth of the community.
Official Plan Amendments
An official plan amendment is a formal document that changes a municipality's official plan. Changes may be needed because of new circumstances in the community or because of requests made by property owners.
Official Plan Amendment Applications
Before you apply for an Official Plan Amendment, you should talk to Township staff for advice and information. You must complete an application form which requires information identified by the Planning Act and the municipality.
The application form outlines the requirements for submitting an application for an Official Plan Amendment. If you are acting as an agent for the purposes of the application, a letter of authorization is required from the registered owner of the property.
Applications are also available at the Municipal Office.
How Much will it Cost?
The application fee is outlined on the application form, payable at the time an application is submitted. Fees may be paid by cash, cheque or debit. If the fee is being paid by cheque, the cheque must be made payable to: “Township of Lanark Highlands”.
What Happens Once the Application is Submitted?
The application is circulated to other Township Departments and various agencies for their comments, as well as to all property owners within 120 metres of the subject site. A notice will be installed on the property briefly describing the proposal.
All correspondence will be reviewed and the Township Planner will prepare a report with a recommendation to approve or refuse the Official Plan Amendment application. The report will then be presented at a Public Meeting.
If the recommendation is to approve the Official Plan Amendment the necessary by-law will be considered at the next Council Meeting, which generally is held immediately following the Public Meeting. Council will then adopt a By-Law approving the necessary Official Plan Amendment for the specific parcel of land.
What Happens After the Meeting?
If Council approves the proposed amendment and passes a by-law, the by-law will be circulated to give interested parties the chance to appeal. A 20-day appeal period is provided for, once notice of Adoption of the By-Law has been given. If no appeals are received by the end of the appeal period, the amendment is in full force and effect.
Appeal Provisions
The process for dealing with official plan amendments is the same as for an official plan by-law. If local council refuses your official plan amendment application, or if it does not make a decision within 120 days of the receipt of your application containing the prescribed information, you may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal.