

Accessibility Plan

Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2024-2028

The Ontario Government passed the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act in 2005.

Standards were set in the act for business and organizations in the province. By following these standards we are able to improve opportunities for people with disabilities and provide for their involvement in the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to their full participation in the life of this Province.

The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service was the first standard to become law.

The next four standards - Information and Communications, Employment, Transportation and the Built Environment (buildings and outdoor spaces) - have been combined under one regulation, the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. This regulation is now law and the requirements currently in the regulation are being phased in between 2011 and 2021.

Ontario will be accessible by 2025.

Accessibility Standards

The Township of Lanark Highlands is pleased to offer alternative methods of communication upon request in accordance with our compliance with Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 ONTARIO REGULATION 429/07 ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE

  • Customer Service
  • Information & Communication
  • Employment
  • Built Environment
  • Transportation

Customer Service

The Accessibility Standards for Customer Service (Ontario Regulation 429/07) came into force on January 1, 2008. The Township of Lanark Highlands, as a designated public service organization, was required to be in compliance with the standard by January 1, 2010.


Further Information

Ministry of Community and Social Services –

Lanark Highlands Logo

75 George Street,
PO BOX 340
Lanark, Ontario
K0G 1K0


Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.